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Before Care

Our Before Care program begins at 8:00 am daily. We regret that campers cannot be dropped off earlier than 8:00 am.

Campers should be walked into the building by an adult who signs them in with our staffer at the school lobby door. 


Activities in Before Care include pick-up sports such as gaga, quiet activities such as drawing, coloring, and books, and free play.

At 8:50 am, campers are escorted to their classrooms by staff. 


At no time may campers be left to sit on the exterior stairs or in the Grand Hall of the Temple, as there is no one to supervise them.

Extended Day 

Extended Day Programming runs from 3:00 - 6:00 daily, staffed by our Extended Day Team which is dedicated expressly to serving our extended day campers. 



At 3:00, campers enrolled in our Extended Day Program are escorted to the MPR for some transition time and snack.

Campers then have a choice of a variety of activities such as sports, reading/relaxation room, arts/crafts, board games, and playground. On Fridays we provide a choice of two movies and popcorn!

Enrollment in Extended Day is for the full summer, and pro-rating is not possible at this time.


2100 Westmoreland Street

Falls Church, VA 22043

Lower Level Lobby


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Camp Rodef Shalom is part of the Temple Rodef Shalom umbrella. TRS is a thriving, vibrant, inclusive, diverse, tolerant, sacred, loving Reform Jewish congregation located in the Northern Virginia. Since our founding in 1962, we have grown into the largest Jewish congregation in Virginia, serving over 1,800 households.

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